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We are trading in our farm boots for dancing shoes at our spring Tango for Tomatoes party at St. Peter's in Morristown on April 16th from 7 to 9 pm. Come, bring a friend, and hang with some farmers. Juan Alessandrini, a local Tango instructor, will lead us in a 30 minute tango lesson, followed by open dance to try out your new skills.  No prior dance experience is necessary- a fun activity for solo or partner dancers! This is a great, casual event- all are welcome.

Let's gather with a dash of fundraising thrown in! Bid in the silent auction, including Grow It Green experiences, like "Garden Consult with our farmers" and "Learn Beekeeping from Farmer Shaun." Auction closes at 9pm that night! Who will be the top bidder to win the right to "Name a Chicken"?

The more we all tango, the more tomatoes Farmers Shaun and Marley can grow- more veggies in more mouths

Not able to attend? Register & bid in the silent auction and click to donate to learn about

what your support helps fund! 


Details: Tues. April 16, 7 pm- 9 pm at St. Peter's Episcopal Church Parish House at 70 Maple Ave. entrance. Please look for the signs and the red door around the rear from the main church- if you see the Morristown Library, Jockey Hollow Restaurant and MPAC, you are close to your destination and want to head to Maple Ave. 

Dress: casual and fun- whatever you can tango in- BOLEO!

Parking: Street parking or Dehart Garage

Tickets at the door: $40





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"We sure do love tomatoes at Grow It Green and a little tango to raise funds for a new tomato project sounds like a great idea. Before we tango, please consider donating to help our tomatoes grow big and round. We are looking to fund what is called a wicket system. Help us reach our goal of raising $2,500 to help our tomatoes grow healthy and strong," stated Farmer Shaun.

We welcome item donations!

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Hosted By

Grow it Green Morristown
Questions? Please email us at:


St. Peter's Episcopal Church, 70 Maple Avenue, Morristown, NJ, USA

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